of Denmark in 1785; it is situated No. 181 in Bredegaden, and was endowed in 1778. Many important regulations have been adopted to promote the utility and respectability of tins Royal Col lege, every person having taken his medicinal examination is entitled to practice as a Surgeon, but no person can be employed as a Surgeon in any public department in Den mark, who has not passed his chirurgical examination at this Hospital. waB founded in 1772 by P. C. Abildgaard ; at lhat‘timc it was a private establishment supported only by an annual Royal bequest of 1,200 Ilbd. (about 230 Pounds Sterling). This college is situated at Christiunshavn opposite Saint Saviours Church; the buildings are extensive, and ad mirably adapted for their various purposes, and were sold by Mr. Abildgaard to the Danish Nation In 1770. Its Royal foundation was formed on the 23 July 1777 and at present this school has on an average 50 pupils un der the direction of the Professor. . ThcStabIcs arc v eil arranged, and the institution has connected with it, a theatre for dissections, and for the delivery of lectures. It has a line collection of books in this particular science, and it must be observed that no person has permission to practice as a Veterinary surgeon The Veterinary College
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