was defrayed by a lottery and voluntary contributions throughout the country.,

The Royal Chapel is erected on the north part of the Palace of Christiana-, borg, its entrance is adorned with a beautiful Portico of the Ionic order of Architecture. The roof is covered with- copper, and the interior construction of this elegant building is highly im­ posing. , The Walls arc of polished Stucco, and the gallery which surrounds and adorns this Chapel is supported by Colums and Pilasters of the Corinthian order. On the Communion table arc two massive silver candle­ sticks richly embossed ; over the altar is a gilt cross, and under is the following inscription on marble, „Thi saa oflc som I cede dcltc Brod, ellcr drikkc dame Kalk, saa forkyndcr Ilcrrcns Bud indtil h(m kommer „F or as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lords death till lie come” . On each side of the altar placed in niches is the representation of Saint Mark and Saint Luke, and opposite to them are the two other Evangelists beauti­ fully executed in Plaster of Paris by Mr, Christensen a Danish artist, In the Gallery opposite the communion table is the Itoyal Pew ; above which is the organ.

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