„Sau Jesus Christus selv cr Dens Ilovcd - lijunie - Sicca •' ' ' t , .r ,,Christ himself is the corner - Stone” . I ere opbygie pan Jpostlcrnes og' Propheternes Gfundvohl” . „\ e ure huiit upon the foundation of the apostles and Prophets ”, The Baptismal font is also of marble ; around it are several scriptural representations, one of which beautifully sculptured describes Saint John baptising the Saviour of !the World. In the centre of the organ is the bust of llis Majesty t « King Christian the fifth, under which are three Angels holding in their hands a tablet with the following in scription :
,,Stadfcestc Kongcns Throne” . ,,Support the King’s Throne”. i
Fredericks Church
situated at Christiaushavn was erected in 1756. In the I ' S . year 1669 the German resident families obtained per mission to have Divine service performed in the Danish Church. The present edifice was erected by permission of His Majesty Frederick the fifth who laid the foundation stone on the 12th June 1755; the expense of this Holy building
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