. \ X trophies of his victories, and near which arc the perishable remains of Peter Tordcnskiold, wlio from a simple sta tion in life rose to the rank of Vice Admiral, andwasfor his bravery and many victories cnoblcd by Frederick the fourth. The name of this great man will never be erased from Danish History. Another monument notices the death of Henry Gcr- ' ner who was Commodore in the Royal Navy, and by whose great talents the Royal Dock and the three crown battery were greatly improved. This Battery is very strong, it guards the entrance to the harbour, and its name is derived from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway being united during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Margaret of Denmark. Over the principal entrance to this church arc the following letters 2?. F. P. which I have heard indicates: ,,Rcgna formal piclas”, „B y Piety Government is supported” . Around the Pulpit arc the twelve Apostles beauti fully carved in w ood, and on one side is the represen tation of tbe crucifixion of our Saviour. * Over the Communion table is a description of the last supper; on each side arc the four Evangelists ; above Which is a magnificent description of the sufferings and resurrection of our Redeemer admirably carved. '
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