painting of the resurrection of our Saviour, and under it is a fine description of the Lords supper sculptured in marble, In the tire of 1728 the flames did not reach the ar ched cemetery which is situated at the west-cud of the Church, and is part of the ruins of the before mentioned C loistcrr i After the fire the walls of the tower were found to he so weak that it was considered hazardous to erect on this building a steeple, therefore this edifice is only de corated with a small cupola. The funds of this CliuVch are considerable and the Patrons arc the Magistracy of .Denmark. Holmens Church was erected in 1017 in compliance with the orders of Christian the fourth, and was consecrated as a place of Divine worship for the Iloyal Navy on the 5th Septem ber 1619. In the year 1040 it was enlarged 5 ami this interior of this sacred Jmilding represents a eross. The chancel leads to a long Mausoleum, on the en trance to which the first monument you observe is one erected to the memory of the Naval. Ilcro Niels Jucf so celebrated in Danish History for His glorious victory over the Swedes in the Bay «of Kjdge in the year 1077; over liis coffin arc his arms, and on each side arc flags as- 3
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