raunlon (aide, executed in Italian and Norwegian marbles with gilt aridbronze ornaments; tlic altar is decorated with four candclabres on both sides of the Choir, which is se parated from the communion by a bronze railing ; the sacristy and baptismal fonts arc also adorned with bass- reliefs by Thorwaldsen. One represents the celebration of the last supper, and the other is a description of our Saviour being baptized by Saint John. Tills church is not yet finished, but will be conse crated next Whitsuntide. The Frontispiece vyill be decorated with the repre- > , dentation of Saint John preaching in the wilderness; and under the Portico in bass-relief will be the representation of the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, both sides of the principal entrance will bo decorated with the statues of the four Evangelists. St. Peters Church for the German residents in Copenhagen is situated at the corner of St. - Peders - Stracdc. This originally was a . . • ' I country church for the inhabitants of the village of Ser- rislcv, but when this village and the land appertaining to it, was appropriated for the extension of the town, it be came one of the parish churches of the Capital. Shortly after the reformation , the parishioners attended Divine service at the Church of the Virgin Mary,
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