Tliis Church lias suflcreel many misfortunes; it lias been destroyed by lire; the high steeple which formerly adorned this holy building; was blown down by a Iiurri- cane ; and it has been struck by lightning. In the great fire in 1728 it was destroyed with the except lion of a small part of the chancel. In the fire of 1795 it was only by great exertions that it was saved, but in the , i ' ' bombardment of 1807 it was completely destroyed. The present church is a noble edifice, built after the « \ • . design of C. II. Hansen, Counsellor of Conference, Knight e f the order of Dannebrogc, and principal architect to llis Danish ,Majesty. The walls of this Church arc formed after the Homan IJasilick. Its exterior length is 215 and its breadth 180 feet. The Portico adorned with six columns of the Doric order is executed in tlic finest proportion of Grecian Architecture. The steeple of the former church was 21(il/2lect high and the height of the tower from where the steeple com menced was 118 consequently the whole height, was o94V 2 feet ; but after the destructive bombardment of 1807 it was ordain d that no steeple should be erected on the pre sent Cathedral, in order to prevent the fatality to which this Church had been so often exposed, In the interior of this building are arcades, on both sides of which are columns, where are placed the twelve apos tles sculptured byThorwaldsci),aud by whose band is also the beautiful representation'of our Saviour erected over the eom-
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