The Royal Exchange,
. • < * ' ' Mas erected in the reign of King Christian the fourth on Slots- liolui, whilli is built on piles, and consequently filled.up at great expense; 'where the present exchange is now erected there was formerly sufficient depth of water for vessels of considerable burthen. It is related that the brick-and stone-work that forms this ancient building was originally situated at Calmar, and King Christian the fourth who took possession of that place in K ill caused its stone statues and buildings to be levelled to the ground and conveyed,to Copenhagen, where they wex'e afterwards appropriated for the building > of the Royal Exchange. The erection of this building commenced in the year 1622 and was finished in 1621, with the exception of the eastern entrance ; its interior decorations were not com pleted until the year 1612, occasioned entirely by the German war which broke out in 1625 and continued until 1620. The Royal Exchange is txvo stories high, it is 406 feet in length, arid 66 feet in breadth; it has also two en trances, the one facingSlolspladscn is the handsomest; it rises by degrees, arid is paved on both sides, anil surround ed by a brick wall. On eaefi side of the door arc two statues, one re presenting Mercury , and the other Neptune. The „
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