] ) Prindscns Bro. 2 ) \Marmorbrocn. 3) Stormbrocn. 4) Ilbibro. 5) Ilolmcnsbro.

6) Knippelsbro, winch is about 300 feet long, is erec­ ted on piles, in tbe centre of which are two wooden ar­ ches, decorated with four figures representing Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. < 7) Langcbro is 440 feet in length, also built on pi­ les, and unites the Western part of the Capital with Chri- stiansliavn, and the three following bridges arc situated in the last mentioned place. 8) Bdrnehuusbroen. 9) Snorrcbrocn. \ v 10) Wildcrs-Bro. Haring described the abovo bridges I must not omit to mention' that the Iloyal Dock and Mercantile harbour \ of this City arc both entered by a drawbridge which is 1200 icct in length. MARKETS. No Capital can be belter supplied with every de­ scription of provisions than this, for, besides the nume­ rous peasants who frequent the public markets, there is a constant succession of Vessels from Holstein and Jutland, which import into this town every kind of provisions. ‘ j

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