night is the Northern’ Gate, according-to the Royal ordi nance of the twenty fiftli of July 1821. The Western and Eastern Gates remain open for six nights during the time called ’’K ild c tid e n w h ic h re sembles a fair in England held in Greenwich Park; this amusement takes place in the RoyalPark of Denmark which i . • ( is situated about six cnglish Miles from the Capital; it ' - commences on Midsummer Eve, and continues for one Month. ’ ‘ ’ : /' t CANALS and BRIDGES. The Stream runs througlr the City by Canals; and bulwarks are formed by which ships may load and un load for the accommodation of merchants. Some of these Canals have sufficient depth of water for vessels of con siderable burthen, others on the contrary are only fit for boats,-lighters and small craft; all the canals have bul warks of wood with the exception of the south western side of the Palace of Christiaushorg where a marble quay is erected. 1 This Capital has ten bridges; seven of them unite Slotspladsen (sec Sloisplailscn') with Copenhagen audChris- tianshavn and three bridges unite the different districts of Christianshavn. Over the Canal which .surrounds the Royal Palaco of Christiaushorg arc the following bridges.
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