Christian the fourth in the commencement of the seven- 7 1 . \ * teentli Century. It is four Danish miles from Copenhagen, anil tills Wonderful edifice is one of the most beautiful Gothic buildings in Europe. The apartment for the assembly of the privy coun cil is one hundred anil fifty feet in length, anil it is reported tluit twenty six statuaries were employed for seven years in decorating the magnificent saloon appro priated for the Knights of Denmark. In the chapel of the Palace, the Royal Sovereigns are crowned; it is truly spcndiil, the roof is gilt, and there is a range of arches on each side; above which arc inscribed thirty eight passages from Scripture in latin, ' The Altar is superb; on one side is the representa tion of the flight of Joseph, into Egypt, and the cru cifixion on the other; both of these beautiful represen tation arc in solid silver. , The organ which appears to have been erected in the year 1616 is of the most excellent workmanship imaginable. The chapel is one hundred and seventy eight feet in length, and forty one, in breadth; and indeed few similar buildings in any country can surpass it, in point of grandeur.
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