Separated from this building, and on the south side of the turnpike road is a beautiful pleasure garden, for the amusement of the Royal Family.
Fredejisborg Palace
io the summer residence of His Serene Highness Prince Philipsthal of Hesse j it is situated two Danish miles south west from Elsinore, and near to the lake of Ersom. It was built in 1720 by King Frederick the fourth., and was called Frcdcnsborg (the palace of peace) to perpetuate the treaty of peace between this sovereign and Charles the twelfth of Sweden. The situation of this village is beautiful; it con tains about five hundred inhabitants, andHlie royal gar dens arc decorated with different statues to commemo rate this treaty. Over the entrance of the Theatre attached to the Royal Palace is the following inscription: ttSknc, Tank, og Tic.” \ ( 4 Scc, Think, and be silent.”
The name of this town is Hillcrod, but it is gene rally called Frcdericksborg after the name of a magni ficent Castle situated here, and which was built by HP
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