text of again placing tying Christian the second on the / . ' ' throne of Denmark. In hoth of these sciges the inhabitants of Copenhagen suffered much from the want of provisions, hut in the se­ venteenth Century (1658) the distress that they endured cannot he described; the enemy had nearly overrun the whole country, and nothing prevented them gaining pos­ session of the Capital hut the resolution and bravery of its inhabitants, who also displayed the same courage in 1700 when the City was bombarded by the united fleets of England, Holland and Sweden. In the seventeenth Century the plague threatened to desolate Copenhagen, for nearly 30,000 of its inhabitants fell a sacrifice to this dreadful sickness. The conflagration in 1728 laid in three days 1610 hou­ ses in ashes; and 913 houses were destroyed by the same dreadful calamity in 1795. In tho nineteenth Century a naval Engagement took place on the second of April 1801 between England and Denmark; and in 1807 was the unfortunate bombardment. Copenhagen is situated on, the eastern coafct of Zealand and on the wes­ tern point of the small Island of Amager; independant of the principal Sound between Zealand and Skaane in Sweden, there is a strong current, which runs through

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