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never can l>e forgotten and lie was justly called Christian ' 1 t , the Great. I . . . Under the reign of this Sovereign, Clmstiansliavn and Nyhoder were constructed; the Palace of Rosenborg; the Exchange; the Victualling Office; the Arsenal; llo l- inen; Trinitatis Church , and Regentsen were built, in fact no Sovereign has added more to the prosperity of the Danish Nation than Christian the fourth, for lie laid the foundation for the extension of Commerce, which altho’ promoted by the energy of king Frederick the fourth ad vanced, but slowly, until the reign of King Christian the sixth, by whose great wisdom the commercial prospe rity of the Nation progressively increased. Copenhagen has suffered many misfortunes. In ancient times, as well as in the times in which we now live, she lias from her enemies resisted many cruel and severe aj> tacks; the most remarkable was the armament formed by the Hanseatic ton us in union with the Dukes of Holstein against Erich of Pommerania. They equipped n large fleet which in the Spring of 1428 appeared ofT Copenhagen, and altlio1 the King was not present, the attempts of the Enemy w e re completely frustrated by the courage of His Royal Consort Queen I \ Philippa. In the sixteenth Century the capital was twice be sieged; first in 1523 after the flight of Christian the se cond and in 1535 by the inhabitants of Lubeck under the pre-
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