of Roscnburg; which is thus described in the hand writing of His Majesty: When the King was kneeling and offering up fer­ vent prayers to God for the welfare of the evangelical church, Christ appeared to him in the same dress as lie appeared before Pilate.” In the southern part of this palace is a room in » which is a large press inlaid with Mother of pearl and Metal; on the doors arc represented in wood the arms of Denmark and her provinces. A large picture in an oval frame, representing the dream of Christian the fourth, on the night hcfoi’c the Naval combat off Listerdyb, between the Dutch and Swedish fleets. uThc King is represented as standing in the water, and an angel decorating his head with a garland of laurel.” ' ,t The figure of a Stag which was caught on the 28th of December lfill in the City of Calinar, near which is the following inscription in golden letters: uOn the 28th of December lfill I was caught in the City of Calmar; and there I first made noise and bustle.” Christian the fourth at that time waged war against Sweden, and took possession of the above mentioned City on the 27tli of May lfill, which at that time was the most important fortress of Sweden; in the preparation

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