ilis son’* ; likewise the representation of Christian the fifth in his youth.' The looking - glass apartment. The ceiling, walls, doors, and the middle of the floor of this apartment arc decorated with looking glass, which is extremely curious; adjoining to it is a small room which formerly was used as a hath, hut where the following curiosities are now deposited. Two large swords with plated iron guards, orna mented , with silver nails, and lined with velvet; on which arc engraven; vim rcpcllare licet. A largo sword with an iron gilt hilt; on both sides x»f the hlade are the arms of Denmark, Norway, and the Provinces. On one side is the bust of His Majesty Christian the fourth with this device: uRegna firmat pictas. Fecit Broby Fyn 1648, David Kohl.” On the other side is the portrait of King Frederick the third with this inscription: uConcordia res parvw crcscunt (liscordia magnee dilabunlur This .extensive collection consists of sixty thousand, it is tastefully arranged after the design of Professor Wiedewclt,; and is divided into three classes : 1) The coins arid medals of the Danish Nation; arc again divided into three classes. The cabinet of Medals.
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