A sabre manufactured at Frederiksvaerk with the folloAving Danish inscription; in English it is: t.J am only draAvn by Christian, to defend his beloved coun try ; 2nd April 1801. God and the just cause.” This sword was offered for sale, and purchased by Mr. Commissary Ost, who presented it to this Museum. A Polish sabre, the hilt is of silver g ilt, and set with turcois and jasper, and many curious Turkish weapons beautifully executed. A large hall where the Iloyal lottery is draw'll. This lloor is decorated with different pictures; amongst which are to be remarked His Majesty Fre derick the fourth in full length in his coronation robes. The siege of Copenhagen on the 11th of February 1659, during the reign of King Frederick the third, painted by D. Yerrangcn. The coronation of Christian the filth at Frcdcriks- borg. A Dutch beggar girl standing at an open window, with a book in Iter hand. Two pictures representing art, and virtue. The portraits of King Frederick the second, and His royal consort in full 'length, and also that of Christian the fourth with His Consort, and three of ' • r ' / - . \ { , 1 - , 1 , \ The ground floor.
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