Seven large drinking cups weighing two hundred and thirty six ounces, set w ith Ncsseblaltslhalcr''); gained by His Majesty Christian the fourth in the year 1G03 at a festivity in Hamburg. A Silver goblet witli four medallions weighing fourteen ounces; on which arc the likenesses of King Christian the fourth, and his consort Anna Cathcrina, and which was made in consequence of their nuptials and coronation. ' , * A large glass goblet, with a lid, on which is de scribed: His Majesty Frederick the third on horseback; the battle at Fyen; the attack at Amager, and the combat in the Sound; underneath is a German verse, which translated into English is: uThe Lord has wonderfully preserved His Majesty Frederick the third, and saved his Royal City of Co penhagen; when Holland gained the victory in the Sound, and captured the Swedish fleet, her proud army perished at Fyen, as Pharaoh did in the red sea.” 1 A silver goblet, on which is engraven the attack of. the Swedes against Copenhagen on the 11th of Fe bruary 1060. A drinking-cup of crystal in the form of a flying fish, set in g old , and presented to King Christian the fifth in the year 1075 after the conquest of Wismar, *) Probably an ancient coin of the Dukes of Holstein, who i had in their armourial bearings a nettle leaf.
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