them the horn, , dnring which time the lady had va nished. The denomination of this horn, partly proceeds, from its having heen deposited in the City of Olden burg, and from its being engraven with the arms of Oldenburg - Delmenli orst. It is presumed that the horseman on the lid repre sents Ditmarschcn, in the same manner as the four lions 1 represent the arms of Denmark and Norway. On the edge is an inscription, by which it is sup posed it was consecrated to the three wise men of (ho Cast; On the top of the horn arc different armorial bea rings, and on it is the catholic prayer: „ 0 Mater dot Memento mci .” On the middle are the following inscriptions: «fm hopen ic levc” ; live in hope” ; uAve Maria” ; and un derneath is the representation of a lady holding in both of her hands a letter, upon which is written: t(drinc al ut” ; (idriiik it all out” . From this it is sufficiently evident that it was the intention of King Christian the first to dedicate this horn to the three wise men of the cast. A silver goblet, on which is embossed the Iloval t arms of His Majesty Christian the third j it weighs nineteen ounces, and was found in the year 17G0 in \\ w the eastern environs of the City. 9
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