Adder took from the Turkish Admiral, was afterwards used by Christian the fifth in the war against the Swedes in Skaanc in the years 1676 and 1678. Four beautiful muskets inlaid with silver and pre cious stones, A Turkish saddle with rich gold embroidery on red velvet, with holsters, hridle and. stirrups equally mag nificent, and presented by the present Pascha of Egypt to Mr. Dumreichcr, Consul of Denmark; there are also ,two other superb saddles sent from Tunis and Tripoli as presents to King Christian the fifth. Arabian and Moorish shoes; an Arabian belt and knife, and a turban, scarf, slippers, and trousers sent from Algiers in 1754 arc greatly deserving of remark. 15t/i room contains a large collection of Japan fur niture, and Lances. 16t/i room contains two rings of Ivory used by the Caffrces as marks of honour, which they force over their arms by greasing them, and which cannot again be taken off without being broken. Two rings of copper thread curiously worked by the Bushmen in the neighbourhood of the Cape of Good Hope, and worn around their arms; six poisoned arrows used by the same people and made of hollow reeds. A Negro* Drum from tho Coast of Guinea, formed from a tree which is hollow ; four horns of Ivory on which arc engraven Lizards and reptiles.
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