Philip the 1st of Spain engraved in Onyx, which be longed to Queen Elisabeth consort of Christian the 2nd, and a superb collection of precious stones of every description. A box of agate, on the lid is the bust of a Negro, and above which is a crown; the four corners of this box are decorated with four similar figures adorned with rose diamonds. Three large silver cups in the form of globes beau tifully engraved. A large silver mug with handle and lid, on which is engraven Fortituilo, Sapienlio, Justitia. Underneath are the arms of Brunswick Lunenburg with the following inscription: Princeps Julius Dux — me fieri fecit Henri- copolis 1584. An Octagon silver box richly embossed and descrip tive of tho life and sufferings of our Redeemer, on which is enghased four medallions of rock crystal; engraved' by Giavanno Bernardi di Castel Bolognese 1550. The bust of King Christian the fifth in silver on a pedestal of the same metal. 14f/i room contains Turkish arms and trophies taken by the Danish Admiral Cort Adder, in a battle with the Turks in the year 1654 during the time he was in the Venetian service; the standard is ornamented with eighty two Turcois stones; and the sword which Cort
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