chair of the renowned astronomer Tycho Bralie who died on the 24 of Oct. 1G01. 6th room. In tine apartment is a fine collection of armoury, and the tirst calendar ever printed in Dcn- mark, with an Icelandic crown worn hy ladies on their marriage. 7 til room, is a collection of catholick relinks ,• amongst which is a heautiful cross found at Rocskildc in a wootjen image that represented Christ, it is finely adorned with pearls and Jewels, and is supposed to contain a splin­ ter of the true cross ; here is the sword , slippers, and cap of Bishop Absalon who died on the 21st of March 1 2 0 1 and a crosier silver gilt supposed to have belonged to the same Bishop. A small altar piece of silver taken from a church in Jutland; it is descriptive of the suffe­ rings and crucifixion of our Saviour, it is a master picco of execution. The Model of the Temple of Jerusalem where it is thought that our Saviour was huried, and also that of the foot of the Virgin Mary taken at Lo- retto; amongst the different antiquities deposited in this room is a silver drinking cup which belonged to Queen Margaret, who reigned over Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, and on which is engraven, Her Majesty’s name, and the arms of her ladies in waiting; the foirm of this enp is very curious, it has twelve spouts, one for herself, and one for each of her ladies in waiting; a beautiful cross that belonged to Queen Dagmar the

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