4 lli room contains Roman and Grecian antiquities; amongst the busts to be observed in this apartment is that of Julius Csesar, on each side of which, is Cicero, and Seneca in bronze; a beautiful bust of Seneca in porphyry, a fresco painting found in Pompeii, and a superb head of Helen in ivory, which is one of the ■ grandest works of antiquity; independant of winch there is a fine bust of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, it is of , bronze, and another of Aggrippina the Mother of N ero; the head is of marble. 5 lli room. The antiquities deposited in this apart- ment are very remarkable; they were dug up in the neighbourhood of Carthage, and sent to this National Gallery by Mr. Falbe, Consul General at Tunis, to tho Court of Denmark; the Scandinavian antiquities are very deserving of notice, they consist of Urns for the ashes of the dead, three are of glass, and four of gold, be sides many of cla y ; there arc also three gold ornaments found at Slagelsc in 1816 beautifully wrought, their value is 4,964 Danish Dollars, about 500 Pounds Ster ling; a Globe of crystal formerly used as an amulet, around which is an inscription iri greet, and several instruments and drums from Laplandsupposcd to have been used in witchcraft. In this room is the representation I ' '• of Olief the H oly ; this painted statue formerly deco rated the Cathedral of Drontheim; here is also the
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