wliicli wc will nolice laler when we cDnie lo speak of excursions from Copenhagen.
Public walks in Copenhagen. Allhough llic inhabitants of Copenhagen go oul of town to enjoy nature aiul beautiful scenery, Ihey are nol constrained to do so by Ihe absolule want of such enjoymcnts within the walls of Ihe city. On Ihe conlrary, within the ramparts are walks and public gardens of such beauly as are rarely lo be found within the confincs of a city. First in rank is Ro s e n b o r g Pa 1a c e Gården, also called the Ki ng ’s Garden, to which (liere are two public enlrances, one from Kronprindsessegade and the other from the Easlstrect of the ramparts, both of which are open from carly in the morning to sunset. Originally laid oul in the stiff French stylc wilh close shorn hedges and shrubs, this gar den has of later years undergone a greal cliange, influenced by the prevailing taste for landscape gardening that from England spread over the rest of Europe. A more agreable promenade can hardly be found than this gar den is now, wilh ils fine spreading shady trees its shrubs and tlower beds. Rut it is not fre-
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