being covcred, llic whole concern, with the extensivc grounds appertaining thcrcto , was sold in 1861 (o Mr. Ilornemann junior for twenty odd thousand dollars. This pitiful consummation was owing to the establishment being set a going from the very First on loo large a scale, to the grounds not being adopted to pleasure-gardens of sucli inagnitudc, and above all lo the good cilizens of Copenhagen having enough already in Tivoli, whose close vicinity to town, beautiful grounds and admirable management exclude every liope of successful opposition. And, yet, it niust be granted that Alhambra is a fine establishment. It is laid out in Moorish style, has an imposing chief-building with a large good theatre thai can be converled into a circus at will; a really splendid concert saloon in the open air; enterlainment - rooms , kjosks and sucli like. On the opposile side of the garden there is a liltle theatre for pantomimes, and, in shorl, notbing is wanting lo make llie place altractive. On the cliief theatre plays are perfonned in summer, and Kathi Lanners admirable company of Ballel-dancers altracled good houses last season. The proprietor, Ilornemann junior, is himself directing manager of Ihe concern. Resides the above named great placcs of public entertainment, there are several less,
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