arul 25 ovcr-secrs and policemen, in all 1318 inen. Until a fcw years ago these men com- posed a dislinet class, we may almost say a easlc of their own, bound lo the service of tbe Navy for a long serious of years and re- ceiving rations and free quarlers for themselves and families. But all this is now changed, the terms of service in the Navy being now limi- ted to a fcw years wbile full paymenl in money is now substituted for payment. in kind. It is moreover decided that Nyboder’s streets are to make way for modern innovations and the grouud on which lliey stand to be sold for building on. A beginning has indeed al- ready been made, and the Frecmasons have erectcd liere a building on a mighly scale, ma- king onc wonder how lliey could have so long been contcnt with the liumble old housc in Kronprindsesscgadc. The D o c k - y a r d s , De po t s , Maga z i n s and Works hops of the Navy are now on Ny holm , by six small islands, from which onc passes over a swinging-bridge lo the cuslom- liouse on one, and by a similar bridge to Christianshavn on the other. liere are to be seen all the workshops and yards necessary for the building and cquipmcnt of sliips, tacklc- magazins, timber-yards, and the Naval-arsenal. Nyholm deserves undoubtedly to be regarded
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