cspecially in llie armoury, a hall GOO fcet long, in which arc many fult suils of armour, an- cient wcapons, standards, banners and trophies of war. Two Saxon metal cannons laken at Dyppel April 13th 1849, and ollier trophies taken in fhc same war arc to be scen liere. — The arsenal is open to the public from the 1Ih of May to the lth of Septemher every Wednesday from 1 to 3. To most of llie barracks is a nEx c r c i s c - g r o und attached; the largest is that In Go- thersgade, where therc is also an Exercise- house. The laboratory for the artillery is in Christianshavn behind Frcderik’s-church. The powdcr magazins arc some on the ramparts of Christianshavn, some on the Island of Amager. The Depot of Stores for the army is in Ili- gensgade. Nybotier, The New-booths, on the north- east outsklrt of the city is quitc a litlle town for ilself with ils 33 slrcets of uniform litlle dwelling-houses. lt was built by Christian IV for the men and officers of the royal Navy. The entirc force rcgularly employed in the Rock-yards and alloot consists of 187 gun- ners, 145 regular m en-of-wars-m en, 15G dockyard - men, 797 artizans and labourers,

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