Østergade. This reading-elub keeps all llie national and all the principal foreign papers and pcriodicals, and purchases the newest works in all European languages; these, after being three montli in the rcading-room, arc transferred lo the library, which already con- sists of 60,000 volumes. The inembers of this club amount to 700. Besides the reading- rooms, tlierc are convcrsation-rooms and a confcctioners. Evcry raember can introduce a siranger for eight days, after which period, if he desire lo conlinuc his visits, he can take a montldy lliicket for onc Dollar. S t ude n t e r f o r e n i ng e n , Thc S t ude n t ’s- Uni on, may he also regarded as a reading society, although ils chief aiin is to connect a firm and enduring bond of union among students of all classes by llie aid of conver- sation, amusing and scientific meetings and festive assemblies. The mumber of mernbers vary between 500 and 700. The library con- sists of about 17,000 volumes and the club has its own liouse, a handsome and appro- priate building, erectcd by voluntary subscrip- lions on a good situation on the Gammelholm.
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