Arne Magnusen, to Rask and Moller. A most important augmentalion has taken place lately in the library by the C l a s s c n - L i b r a r y being United willi it, or, rather annexed to it, as seperale division of the wholc. This division consists of about 35,000 volumes for the most part Mathematics, Natural-history, Physics, Tecnical works and Voyages and Travels, and is ycarly augmented from a fund bequeathed hy I Classen for that purpose. The rcading- room is open from 10—2 , at which lime book are lent out. Both lo the royal and to the university library printers are obliged to deliver copics of all the hooks and papers printed at tlieir prin- ting offlees. Resides these public libraries in the Capital we may notice the Royal Pr i v y - St at e Paper Ar c h i e v e s , kept in a budding between the Chancery-buildings and the Royal Library. Permission to visit it musl be obtained from the Minister for Education. Besides the ahove mentioned libraries the dinerent scicntiflc socicties liave tlieir ovvn col- lcction of books. Gopenhagen has moreover several rcading rooms of which the most deserving of notice is the At h e næum, established in 1825, having ils extensive aparlinenls in No. 24
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