wliieh resis on a walled hollow cylinder. — When Pet er Ihe Great visited Copenhagen in 171 G, he drove wilh liis Empercss Calliarine up lo the lop of Ihe lower in a carriage and four; hut whelher or no he drowe down again history says not. The enlrance lo Ihe Univer- sily-library was forrnerly in this lower, Ihe li brary ilself being in a room over the body of Ihe chureh. The Obscrvatory was also on the summit of Ihe lower, but has now found a more appropriate place. The round lower and the Tri ni ty chureh ilself have l.itely under- gone a thorough repair. Above the enlrance to Ihe lower are two tablets Willi Latin inscrip- lions, aceording lo wliieh the foundalion- slone was laid Ihe 7Ih of July 1639. Ilelliggcisteskirke, Cliurcli of the lloly- Gliost in Vimmelskaftet has a more modern appearance than Ihe Trinity chureh, being rebuilt in the Ilenaissance slyle after being burnt to the ground in Ihe grcat fire in 1728. The great attraetion to this chureh is the fine painting of Adam Muller: Luther bef or o the Diet al Worms. In the great gravechapel are some monuments over Noblemen and Burgers of nole, and Ihe ehurchyard is surrounded wilh a handsome iron railing. Slotskirken, Cliapel Royal, adjoins Ihe Pa- lace of Christiansborg, lt is buill in a simple
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