consequenlly be more apl to lead astray Hum to aflord the information required. We tiave therefore preferred restricting ourselves to giving a list of the different steamboat of- flccs, where the traveller vvill oblain every information on tbe subject bc inay require. The Offlces are: A s p c g r é n ’s, Amaliagade 43 , for Gotlicn- borg, Christiania, Malmo, Liibek. Il o rri e’s , Amaliegade 35, for dilTcrenl ports in the Norlh-sca and the Baltic. Caroe & Comp. , Nyhavn No. 11, for Nonvay. Fi edl cr & Comp. , Qvæsllnmsgade No. 5, for Elsinore. Fri is’, Amaliagade 3 3 , for Sweden and Liibeck. I l ans cn’s, Toldbodveicn No. 5, for different parts in the Norlh-sca and Baltic. Koch and He nd e r s e n are the active managers of the United Steamships - company of Copenhagen for Malmø, Landscrone, Hel­ singborg, Ystad, Ronnc, Randers, Odense, Hor­ sens, Greenaa, Mariager and Hobro, and for Leith, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Huli, Kiel and Køningsberg. The company’s 'office is Bred­ gade No. 33. lt musl moreover be observed thal steam­ boat - communicalion is maintained by otber

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