consequenlly be more apl to lead astray Hum to aflord the information required. We tiave therefore preferred restricting ourselves to giving a list of the different steamboat of- flccs, where the traveller vvill oblain every information on tbe subject bc inay require. The Offlces are: A s p c g r é n ’s, Amaliagade 43 , for Gotlicn- borg, Christiania, Malmo, Liibek. Il o rri e’s , Amaliegade 35, for dilTcrenl ports in the Norlh-sca and the Baltic. Caroe & Comp. , Nyhavn No. 11, for Nonvay. Fi edl cr & Comp. , Qvæsllnmsgade No. 5, for Elsinore. Fri is’, Amaliagade 3 3 , for Sweden and Liibeck. I l ans cn’s, Toldbodveicn No. 5, for different parts in the Norlh-sca and Baltic. Koch and He nd e r s e n are the active managers of the United Steamships - company of Copenhagen for Malmø, Landscrone, Hel singborg, Ystad, Ronnc, Randers, Odense, Hor sens, Greenaa, Mariager and Hobro, and for Leith, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Huli, Kiel and Køningsberg. The company’s 'office is Bred gade No. 33. lt musl moreover be observed thal steam boat - communicalion is maintained by otber
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