For relurii from places oulsido llie city ’whcn not detaincd more than 1/a hour waiting For bcing detained longer, every h o u r .............................................. ) When taken by llie hour, each hour » The fares are rcckoned by llie short- est road, every deviation from the direct route is chargcd extra.

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The drivers are f o rb i dden to demand Drink mo n e y or to smo k e whi l e dr i ving. They are moreover bound lo drive for evcryone who requires it. These printed regulations are to be found in every Droscher, so that «the fare« may make himself aequainted willi them without asking Ihc driver. Want of civility, false charges, or any other eausc of complaint against the driving, should be immedialely reported to the Police. The publisher would willingly Iiave accom- panied this hitle book with a complcte list of the hours of arrival and deparlurc of the different steamers; but such a table is neces- sarily subjected lo repeated changes, and would Steamers.

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