39 Pure alike a marble-plate History has left our leaf, There with biood the Swedes relate Will the world's last epic brief. If no more our home we shield, Would the sun no more arise, Sky’s last star at once would yield, Freedom’s last hope were the prize.

37. Invitation to Dance. Words and music by O. Lindblad.

Round in the festive bright hall they’re dancing, List’ning to joyous music’s merry tone; Off with the sad troubles all, far off, Far off, far off, pleasure's God we enthrone. Skirts are round twirling, Eyes sparkling, smiling bright, Amor is whirling In the dance delight. Lean but ’gainst my arm Girlie, Cling but to my breast Fairly, Sincerely, O sincerely I will defend you, Constantly you In dream see, Even if you Forget me; Fairly I '11 remember your charming look. Soon your youth is at an end, A short time you can in pleasure spend; O how short is the joyous chance1 Hurry, hurry, ask to dance! 38. The Stars are Falling. Words by Ernst von der Recke. — Music by Otto Malling, The stars are darting from night’s clear sky They may extinguish, but never die; The sun its beams may spread thousand-fold Still it itself will never get cold. From apple-tree blossoms fall down in spring, Afresh next year it will be budding. From well-spring flow thousand waves along Still never cease will their rippling song. From love-flame fairest thoughts ever come As well-springs flow in the river’s foam, From love-flame songs go the world around Still love with song will always abound.

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