37 34. An Angel your Front has graced. Words by Ernst von der Recke. — Music by P. E. Lange-Muller.

An angel your front has graced With a lily-branch in his flight, How could it else have been traced So pure, so sheer and so bright? The dew in the cup of that lily Gave brightness to both of your eyes, How could it else gladden me daily And soothe my mind in its rays? And a rose from gardens of Heaven Your mouth has touched as by stealth, How was it your mouth else given To breathe o’er me soundness and health? May Christ your mouth and your front bless And also your dear eyes both; They taught me believe in the countries, Where flowers have fairest growth!

35. The Swedish Folk-song. Words by C. IV. A. Strandberg. — Music by Otto Lindblad.

From Swedish heart let sound along A solemn and an artless song, Which to the King goes forth! Put faith in him and in his race, The burden of his crown make less, And all your trust in him do place, Thou freeborn race of Northl O Lord of Heaven I us maintain As heretofore in grievous pain, Call forth on our strand The ancient mood once more again In Sweden’s brave King and his men, And let your spirit always reign Within our Northern land.

36. War-prayer. Words by C. W. A. Strandberg. — Music by Otto I.indblad.

Thou, O ruler over worlds! Hear the prayer sent to Thee, Grant your grace, beyond all words, Over us eternally. Thine the might is, Tliine the glory, Give your freedom to us all. Art Thou with us, never sorry Nor afraid one should us call.

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