35 32. Serenade. Words by Emil Lange-Miiller. — Music by P. E. Lange-Maller.

Corn-lightning’s sheen at midnight time O’er distant forests gleaming; My darling come to your window’s brim, You must not this night be dreaming. Look far, look fari

The night is sparkling with shooting-star. Do you feel longings deep in your mind, Confide them to stars twinkling plainly, When stars are falling, you well remind, Wishes are never made vainly. Look far, look fari The night is sparkling with shooting-star. Why do you wish back here the time, which has gone, And blossoms from summer, now faded? Wish only, the flowers allured by the sun, Next spring may new be created. Look far, look fari The night is sparkling with shooting-star.

33. In the Wood. Words by Henrik Hertz .— Music by P. E. Lange-Maller.

I strolled along within the wood A summer-day so long. My horse I guided, while my dog Around me jumped and sprang.

So narrow was the path, Not a soul did there pass, And if I called, would nobody me answer.

I went away from beaten track, Where hili is sloping steep, And strolled my fowling-piece on back Through thoms' and bushes' heap.

So narrow was the path, Not a soul did there pass, And if I called, would nobody me answer.

And while alone I round there went, So deep my breath I drew; I asked the cool light summer-tent, If it my darling knew.

So narrow was the path, Not a soul did there pass, And if I called, would nobody me answer.

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