3 i If a lassie meet a laddie, Comin’ frae the town; If a laddie kiss a lassie, need a lassie frown? Wet is Jenny, my poor lassie, Need I tell you why? Wet her haunches, wet her facie Comin’ thro’ the rye.

27. Longing for the Darling. * Music by E. Hermes.

My darling now will leave me, What 's left for me behind? To know privation only And longing in my mind. Of thee I’m always thinking, My heart possess thou must, For thee alone I’ve given My hope, my life, my trust. May God thy path now lead Within the far-off land, And luck to thee concede With bounteous fatherhand. O fare thee well! forget me not, Farewell!

28. A Bridal Party on the Hardanger Fjord. Words by Andreas Munch. — Music by H. Kjerulf. There quivers a glittering summer-air Warm over Hardangerfjord’s fountains, Where high ’gainst the heavens, so blue and so bare, Are tow’ring the mighty mountains; The glacier shines bright, the hillside is green, All nature responds, with beauty serene;

For look! over blue billows rowing The wedding folks home are going.

29. Serenade on the Beaoh. Words by Chr. Winther. — Music by H. Kjerulf. Shut is her cottage, silent the night, Light through the Windows is glitt’ring nowhere; Waves that 'gainst beach now are rolling so light, O would you only Sing and play lonely! Music and song to her heart you would bear!

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