19 15. Bådn Låt (a Humorous Lullaby). Folk-song from Valders, arranged by Edv. Grieg.

Birch rods bomning, booming, Pussy sets up a drumming. And four small mice go to work to dance, Until the earth loudly thunders. Tabby sat on the house-top, Called aloud to her daughters, Where shall we in the winter stay? Our feet are cold, we will mew, mew! We will travel to Denmark Buy warm shoes for a whole mark. Stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, Stamp the pepper and cornl

16. Student-Song. Words by Chr. Richardt. — Music by C. J. Hansen. My shelter is a garret, my out-look a roof My cabin is but narrow and small, But sun is my friend, and ic smuggies enough Of glitter and gold through the wall; I sit like a king in my lonesome little cage, Both times past and future I cheerfully engage. Those gallant old authors appear in hog-skin’s dress With gold on the back decorated, Their whole subtle wisdom they on me impress, Till I am quite o’er-educated. The present time must in cheap garments appear Hog-skin, you know, is very, very dear. And has the hour come, when the lovely fine dew Is dropping o’er the wood-tops its balm, I can’t hear the high note of nightingale, it's true, But barrel organ’s tones must me calm Still Morpheus makes his appearance at last A visit he pays me, when day has pass’d. The town I forget then, its noise as well, I only think of friends affectionate; For want of a cuclcoo the cat’s mew will tell, When wedding once I shall celebrate. I then nod good-night to them all one by one I nod and I nod, till I sleep like a stone.

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