9 2. Agnete and the Merman. Danish popular ditty. Music arranged by J. P. E. Hartmann. Agnete was walking along the seacoast shore, A merman came in sight and love to her swore. Ha, ha, hal A merman came in sight and love to her swore. He closed up her ears both, he closed up her mouth, And to the dark sea-bottom he carried her out. Agnete moved the cradle while humming a song, When from the village church beil the toli came along. Agnete to the church went, thereafter merman came, All pictures on the walls turned round him to blame. »Agnete, your prayer is recited too slow, The chiidren and the baby are longing for you so!« »Take care of the large ones, take care of the small, And of the baby who in the cradle does you call!« »Let long for mé, let sorrow, whoeverso may, I did forget them all, for here I now will stay. Ha, ha, hal I did forget them all, for here I now will stay«. 3. Roselille. Danish popular ditty, arranged by J. P. E. Hartmann. Roselil and her mother were having. their rest, They talked to each other so many a jest. Ha, ha, ha! so, so, so, so! They talked to each other so many a jest. »Rather shall our fountain sweet cider emit, Tlian I shall to any man myself submit.« Knight Peter with wile on the balcony pass’d: »They have most to laugh, who laugh do last!« »Hail, maiden, in velvet and silk clad so proud, Stand up now and come in the garden out!« As the fountain they reach’d behind flowers so neat, No water was purling, but cider so sweet. Roselil turn’d red like the scarlet biood, She stared confused in the grass at her foot. Knight Peter her mouth kissed with a cunning forecast: »They have most to laugh, who laugh do last! Ha, ha, ha! so, so, so, so! They have most to laugh, who laugh do last!«

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