As we penetrated the forest an increasing- noise and bustle gave us assurance that we ap­ proached the scene of festivity and mirth. Time has sanctioned the custom of visiting this wood every year, from St. John’s day, to the visitation of the Virgin. Tents, for the accommodation of all classes, are pitched on a longitudinal grass plat, where every sort of re­ freshments may be had. A spring, discovered some centuries ago by a girl named Christina Piil, runs close by, and, on an adjoining emi­ nence a number of booths are erected. Here are a variety of amusements. Wild beasts from all parts of the globe,—Horsemanship, —Rope dancing—Slight of hand—Wax-work, and even German dramas are exhibited. Kotzebue’s play of Misanthropy and Repent­ ance, or, as it is called in England, The Stranger, was to be performed. The celebrity of this piece, which is frequently acted at Copenhagen, induced us to visit the theatre, where we found an assemblage of persons who would have graced a better cause. The miser­ able appearance of the house was perfectly

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