While Lars Bagge and his comrades, stood in the midst of an applauding crowd, those dastardly wretches returned, who had at­ tempted to go out, not from motives of huma­ nity, but of gain. Let them be left to their upbraiding consciences ! Now Bagge retired, rewarded by the bless­ ings of all good men, and still more by his own feelings. But our excellent Prince Royal hearing what had happened, ordered a medal of merit to be presented to Bagge, on whom he also settled a pension, and gave a sum of money to those who had assisted him. An artist engraved the portrait of Bagge, which was eagerly sought after by all classes of people ; and Professor Rahbek, wrote, in the Danish Spectator, an eulogy on Bagge, and the worthy merchant Staal Hagen. Some time after, another opportunity was presented to Lars Bagge, in which he again displayed his zeal for the honor of the national character, and for the benefit of mankind. A ship drove on shore in the vicinity of El-

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