l< can recompense, but as a mark of my par- “ ticular esteem.” Bagge, somewhat astonished at the offer, re plied,—“ Worthy Sir, in what I have done, I “ was not influenced by any desire of gain; “ I have simply performed my duty as a man; “ but though I cannot accept of your kind- “ ness, my gratitude shall be equally great.” Due thanks, from those present, were of fered to the worthy Bagge, and the modesty with which he received these testimonials of general approbation, served but 'to increase their esteem and gratitude. I was a witness of this noble transaction, and therefore constantly picture to my fancy the interesting groupe as they stood! I see the grateful eyes of Bagge raised up to heaven ! I behold a hero laureled, not for having killed, but for having saved, his fellow creatures ! Oh ! that the human race would only joy in such a spectacle ! That brotherly affection would again unite man to man, and suffering huma nity be released from all its pangs!
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