the gratification of our wishes. Approaching the castle, we were surprised to see various indentures on the gate, which were gilt, and scattered over th e .surface. On enquiry, we found they were intended to represent im pressions of childrens’ feet, and that the fancy originated in the following anecdote : When King Christian the Fourth declared his intention to erect this building in the lake, his ministers, and officers of state, ventured to argue with His Majesty on the impossibility of the undertaking. But the King persisted in his design, which every one ridiculed as a childish attempt, and the castle was completed ; when he, to perpetuate his spirit for enterprise and perseverance, caused these marks to be imprinted on the gate. The number of spires which rise from this stupendous edifice are said to be 365, which, together with its massy walls, the stillness and so emnity of the place, and the confused chat tering of immense flocks of jackdaws, which inhabit the towers, filled me with strange sen sations.
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