taking that journey, we pursued the plan we had originally set out with. rFhe numerous spires of the castle of Freder- icksborg now appeared in the horizon, and we mounted an eminence whence we beheld the gothic castle, ns it were, floating in the lake below. The town of Hilleroed occupies one side of the banks, and presents a very pictu resque scene. There are gardens to all the houses, which slope down to the water’s edge; while the other side displays corn fields in high cultivation, mingled with avenues, and closed by woods that confine the view to a very limi ted compass. The town is small and inconsiderable, yet much visited on account of the singular castle, whose majestic appearance excites universal admiration. it now presented itself to our view; our cu riosity increased with every step we took, but the fatigue of our day’s journey was still more prevalent, and we deferred the survey till morning. It happened to be Sunday j we proceeded to
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