The war song of Mr. E. Falscn :

“ Up! to arms! the foe is advancing!* is the foremost. It was distributed among the crews of the blockships ; and, I have no doubt, produced an happy influence on their minds, from the manner in which the patriot poet draws the exploits of their ancestors : for who would not listen to the fiery strains of a loyal bard ? O f the songs, written subsequent to the battle, that by the Rev. Mr. F. Schmidt, Rec­ tor of Eger, in Norway, is extremely beau­ tiful. The following lines from Cowper serve as a motto: “ The man that is not mov’d with what he reads, The Danish Spectator reflected much splen­ dor from the same subject; it was transcendent. * It was my particular wish to have given the public a complete translation of this 6ong, but fearing lest the spirit of the author might lose its qualities in the transmi­ gration, I have, for the present, been deterred from the Omdertaking. ,e That takes not fire at their heroic deeds, “ Unworthy of the blessings of the brave, “ Is base in kind, and born to be a slave!”

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