on the fate of the Invincible of 74- guns, and augurs much disaster* In his lofty numbers, he very happily intro duces allusions on the placid features, for merly descriptive of a Dane, which, when aroused, gloriously assumed the martial front of enthusiasm. An anonymous Batavian produced the fourth poem, which is but short. However, the author has done ample justice to his subject. He abounds in beautiful images and happy allusions, set forth in elegant and energetic language; and the performance, upon the whole, reflects credit on the powers of the Batavian poet. The three first poems translated into Danish, by Professor Rahbek; and the fourth by a Mr. Hagerup, were published under the title of “ Distant echoes of our glorious 2 d of April” To enumerate the productions of our na tion would be an endless task *, poets and poetasters, authors and scribblers; wits and blockheads, all dashed at the same subject. d 2
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