A carriage was provided for his lordship, which he, however, declined, and walked amid an immense croud of persons anxious to catch a glimpse of the British hero, to the palace of the Prince Royal. After dinner the Admiral was introduced to the Prince, and the negociation commenced. The next day his Lordship came again ashore, and dined with the Prince Royal, as he did frequently till the ninth of April, when the armistice was finally concluded. On one of his visits to Copenhagen, Lord Nelson inspected our Naval Academy, to which he, in a manner highly honorable to himself, and to us, presented some gold medals of va lue to be distributed among the most skilful of the midshipmen. In the nights succeeding the battle, all the prizes taken by the British were burnt, ex cepting the Holstein, of G4 guns, which was sent to England ; she was GOyears old, and had, together with the Zealand, been fitted out to convoy a fleet of merchantmen to Norway, but they were both, afterwards, considered unfit for the service, and placed in the line of de
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