into a corps of twelve hundred*, while those sons of the muses whom age or infirmity pre­ vented from rallying round the standard of patriotism, did all in their power to encourage and confirm so laudable an effort. Chamber- lain Lindenkrone sent a thousand dollars to the aid of those students whose private means were unequal to the expence of their public duties. The command of this corps was given to Mr. de Hauch, Marshal of the court, who soon placed it in excellent order. M. de Lauriston, happening to be at Co­ penhagen, honored the parade with his pre­ sence, and was pleased to compliment their military skill and patriotic spirit, by saying, “ At the head of such brave youths he would “ advance against any enemy.” This may be thought a good reason to have made them vain, but a better reason was, they could do very well without him for their leader. The first and second days passed quietly over, but on the morning of April 1 st, we could perceive an unusual bustle among the Eng

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