His Majesty of Sweden (who observed the pas sage of the fleet from Helsingborg) appeared sensible of this, and after the cannonading had ceased, dispatched an officer to compliment the governor of Cronborg. As the gale was blowing fresh, the British soon advanced within seven or eight miles of the city, where they came to an anchor. A fri gate, a lugger, and a brig got rather nearer; but the battery of the Three Crowns, and the fire from the blockships, compelled them to retire. The magnificence of this spectacle naturally left various impressions on our minds, but whether favorable or unfavorable, they were soon forgotten in the enthusiasm and una nimity which prevailed among all classes. The question was not, Who is the enemy ? But, Where is the enemy ? It was a moment of impending danger; the duty we owed our country, therefore, inspired us with only one sentiment. The noble spirit displayed by the students at the siege in 1658-60 was now equally conspicuous in their successors, who with one hand and one heart, associated themselves d 2
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