Gethe, Sea Captain,.......................................... £S Glatton, British, 54, ...................................... 54 Goldsmith, Oliver, .......................................... 34 Guldberg, Mr. F ...................................................... 44 Gyldenloeve, Danish Admiral, .......................... 20 H. Hagerup, M r ;.................. 35 Harboe, Sea Captain................................................. 7 Hauch, Marshal of the Court.............................. 4 Kohlenberg, Captain and constructor of the Royal navy, . . ................................................. 4 / , 48, 47 Holstein, Danish 6 4 , ............................................ 28 I. Isis, British 5 0 .......................................................... It Invincible, British 7 4 ....................................... 35 tluul, Niels, Danish A dm ira l,.......................... 32 Juul Jens, Baron, ................................................. 33 K. Koefoed, Sea Captain ............................................ 7 Knudsen, Mr. of the Theatre Royal 30, 3 1 , 41

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