Danbrog, the name of the Danish flag;.......... 44 Dyveke, .......................................................... 41 E. Eagle, white, a Danishsloop o f war, . . . . 48 Ebbesen N ie ls ,.......................................................... 41 Echardt, Mr...................................................................50 Edgar, British 74, ......................... i) Egede, Sea Captain................................................. 6 Elliot, Hugh, esq...................... .................................42 F. Fabritius, Tengnagel, SeaCaptain....................... 8 Falsen, Mr. E ............................................................. 30' Fasting, Sea L ieu tenan t........................................ 0 Fischer, Commodore............7> 11, 13, 1 / , 42, 43 Formidable, Lord Rodney’sship............................ 12 Frederick, Prince Royal, 13, 18, 19 , 2 7, 28, ..................... ........................... 3 8 ,4 2 ,4 3 , 4 4 ,4 7 Frederick the 3 d , ............................. 67 E'und, patriotic ........ ........... ........ .......... .. 45 G. Corner, Commodore, ....................... 62

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